Women’s ministry is Christ centred. It’s all about helping other women to come to Christ and grow in Christ. It’s about encouraging people to understand the gospel, respond to the gospel and apply the gospel to every aspect of life. And that happens when women engage with God through His Word and prayer, in the community of the local church. Our women’s ministry lead by Dr.Jeyarani for more than 30 years. God is using her mightily to equip womens and families around the world.
Our aim is to ensure every woman in this congregation has the opportunity to: Hear and respond to the gospel (Acts 16:13-15). Grow in godliness (Ephesians 4:22). Be spurred on to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24). Be equipped for service (Ephesians 4:12). Be active in making disciples (Matthew 28:16-20).
Our Women’s ministry’s involvements: Conducting Women’s conference, Ladies fasting prayers, Raising women’s prayer groups, Weekly, and Monthly revival meetings for believers involving in social action projects, Conducting carecel meetings for widows and Helping them, doing Friendship evangelism, Running Bible course and evangelistic courses for interested women and helping new Christians to understand the basic Christian doctrine and Christian living.
The women’s prayer meet that has been running for the past 20 years for the Spiritual needs of women. Spiritual Growth – to connect women to Christ and to each other through teaching and leading in God’s Word. Fellowship opportunities and activities for women. Encouragement – Initiate mentoring relationship. Service to our church and the community. Caring Hearts – Prayer and support to meet needs of women in our community.